Saturday, January 30, 2010

THAI President & Star Alliance CEO Strengthen Alliance Cooperation

Thai Airways International President Mr. Piyasvasti Amranand today met with Star Alliance CEO Mr. Jaan Albrecht in Bangkok to discuss future strategies and cooperation under the Alliance.

In 1997, THAI was the first Asian member to join Star Alliance during its founding, which has now grown into a strong 26 member alliance. Mr. Amranand signaled the importance he associated to Star Alliance membership by attending the recent Chief Executive Board meeting in Brussels, Belgium in December 2009.

Mr. Albrecht, a former pilot and senior executive at Mexicana Airlines, has been CEO of Star Alliance since 2001. He has steered the Alliance through a rapid growth period over the past nine years.

Speaking about Star Alliance membership, Mr. Piyasvasti Amranand, THAI President, said, “I am determined to extract as much competitive advantage from our membership in Star Alliance as possible. THAI must use the obvious advantages Star Alliance offers, such as the largest connected network in the world, the cost saving opportunities it offers, the access to technologies and value added benefits, such as frequent flyer mile earnings and redemptions across all 26 carriers.”

Mr. Jaan Albrecht, Star Alliance CEO, said, “THAI has shown a constant and continual commitment to Star Alliance throughout since its founding in 1997. We are ready to assist THAI in developing new strategies, which will enhance the airline’s competitiveness and support its active role in Star Alliance.”